In my last letter, I shared how my health crisis led me to energy healing and how that experience changed everything I thought I knew about illness, emotions, and energy.
What I didn’t mention is how that experience also expanded my ability to see.
Not just see spirits, which I had done since childhood. Not just see auras, which I had learned to do years before that.
But to see the "hidden" layers of reality: the dimensions where unresolved emotions, past-life traumas, and energetic disturbances exist, as well as the higher dimensions where pure consciousness, divine energies, and higher states of being exist.
The First Time I Realized I Could See What Others Couldn’t
Please don’t get me wrong; I’m not telling you this to brag or sound special. It’s not about that. I share this because it shaped how I understand energy, healing, and the way reality works.
My ability to see beyond the physical didn’t start with my healing journey. It had been there since I was a child, long before I knew what it meant.
I was three or four when I first started pointing out “people” in my house.
Then, one day, one of my mother’s students nearly fainted when I casually mentioned that there was a lady in the bathroom.
Since young, I have been seeing things other people don’t. Spirits, beings, things that were there but invisible to everyone else.
Gradually, I learned that not everyone can handle that kind of information.
At around the same age, I was playing alone in the living room. I was hopping around like a kangaroo and suddenly, I wasn’t hopping anymore.
I was floating.
It wasn’t a jump. It wasn’t my imagination. I levitated.
I was so excited I ran to tell my sister. I was going to ask her to come and see me floating around. She frowned and told me to stop being silly.
I still remember how confused I felt. I was confused as to why anyone would not be interested or believe me.
Years later, when I watched Superman, I felt weirdly validated. When I saw martial artists in Chinese dramas on TV flying through the air, I thought, “Yes, this! Someone gets it!”
But as I grew older, seeing things others couldn’t wasn’t always magical.
It became… inconvenient.

When Seeing Became “a Curse”
Most people describe sleep paralysis as a terrifying feeling of being unable to move, trapped inside their body.
For me, I experienced it differently.
I would wake up, completely conscious, and see the spirits approaching. They weren’t shadowy figures. They weren’t a “feeling.” They were right there.
And the moment they realized I could see them, they ran.
I screamed so much during those years that I’m convinced it permanently changed my voice.
That was when I learned something important:
Fear attracts more fear.
But fear only exists when you don’t understand what’s happening.
Years later, when my parents passed away, my understanding about this other dimension deepened. It’s commonly called the Astral realm or dimension.
When I Knew for Certain That Life Continues After Death
When my parents passed, their spirits communicated with me after they were gone. Not just in dreams, but in ways that left no room for doubt.
One of the most significant moments was when my late mother appeared as a spirit in white.
Once, during a deep meditation. Another time, in front of my grieving brother.
This wasn’t just a comforting experience. It was evidence. And when my siblings experienced it too, I knew I wasn’t imagining things.
Apparently, reality is nothing like we think it is.
And if spirits exist beyond death, then the emotions, traumas, and energy we carry don’t just disappear either.
They stay with us, until we clear them.

A Glimpse of a Higher Dimension
Years later, I experienced something that changed my perception of energy forever.
After an aura and chakra cleansing session, I walked out of the session room, and the world looked completely different.
The same place. The same surroundings. But everything shimmered. Colors were richer. The air seemed alive. It felt like I had stepped into a higher version of reality.
I stood there, stunned. As my therapist walked out, I asked, “Why does everything look like heaven? Did you put some kind of energy into me?”
She smiled and said nope. It was my own energy. She reiterated that all she did was cleansing and balancing the auras and chakras in my field.
For days, I stayed in that heightened state. Nothing triggered me. Not stress. Not conflicts. Not even my toddler’s tantrums about daycare.
This energy faded after a few days as stressful thoughts, the demands of daily life, and deeper layers of unresolved emotional trauma began to resurface. But the understanding and a new level of consciousness stayed with me.
That was when I understood:
Seeing the unseen means nothing.
Experiencing other dimensions means nothing. Even if your energy rises or you experience moments of enlightenment, it still means nothing.
Because if nothing changes within you, it remains just that - an experience. Like going on vacation to an exotic place.
The sights may have been breathtaking, the journey unforgettable, but once you return, you’re still the same person. The same prideful self. The same angry one. The same sad victim.
Yes, there may be some improvement in spiritual awareness and perspective. I’m not dismissing these experiences entirely. I’ve had them myself.
But my point is, if you don’t clear the deep-rooted blockages within you, no amount of spiritual experiences will change who you are at your core. The real transformation is in what you clear, release, and integrate so that you don’t keep falling back into the same cycles.
Otherwise, enlightenment remains just a fleeting high. And you remain the same person with the same attitude, waiting for the next escape.
What These Experiences Mean for Me
Here are 4 key lessons that shape how I approach healing today:
1. The astral realm is here whether you believe in it or not.
Most people think the astral realm is some mystical place floating far away. It’s not. It’s right here, layered over this reality like an invisible WiFi network: unseen, but always there.
And just like WiFi, you don’t think about it until something messes with your connection.
When I was living in fear and sadness, I saw dark spirits not because I wanted to but because I was tuned into their frequency. They weren’t demons lurking in some hellish underworld. They were right here, in the spaces between, carrying the same emotions I did.
Turns out, energy works like an algorithm: what you engage with, you get more of. Like attracts like.
So if your internal energy is fear, you’re unknowingly inviting every lost and lingering spirit carrying the same emotional energy into your space. (I shared about Spirit Attachments here).
2. Higher dimensions exist, and they shift how you see everything.
When I cleared the lower emotional energies from my field, I entered a state of bliss so intense that everything looked different. I didn’t just feel lighter. I saw light everywhere. Even solid objects seemed to radiate peace. I could even hear the sound of peace and bliss.
Was I hallucinating? No.
Was I high? Also no.
But funny enough, this is similar to what people experience when they take psychedelics like LSD or ayahuasca.
The difference? Psychedelics force the mind to bypass its usual filters, creating vivid spiritual experiences - sometimes beautiful, sometimes chaotic. My experience wasn’t artificially induced. It came naturally, through energy clearing.
Science time:
Psychedelics like DMT, LSD, and psilocybin don’t just make people “see weird things.”
What they actually do is turn off the brain’s Default Mode Network (DMN) - the system that normally filters and structures reality.
Studies show that when the DMN is temporarily "turned off," the brain stops filtering information the way it usually does, to allow people to perceive reality in a completely new way.
That’s why people on ayahuasca trips report seeing interconnected energy fields, otherworldly beings, and intense emotional clarity. Their brain isn’t creating these experiences but it’s finally allowing them in.
However, psychedelics, though helpful just like other healing remedies, are not specifically needed to see beyond this dimension.
I’ve experienced these shifts without substances, just by raising my energy at that moment through energy cleansing.
3. You can’t just “let go” of trauma. You have to acknowledge it first.
People love to say, “Just let it go.” But you can’t release what you refuse to acknowledge.
You can’t let go of trauma in general. You can’t clear spirits in general. That’s not how it works.
Before I can help someone release emotional energy entanglements, I first have to recognize what’s actually there.
Had I not experienced these realms firsthand, I wouldn’t have a clue what was happening when spirits show up during energy clearing sessions. I also wouldn’t know how to distinguish between:
- Earthbound spirits – Lost and confused, often lingering where they shouldn’t be.
- Soul fragments – Pieces of a person’s consciousness that have split off due to trauma, sometimes stuck in past events or places.
- Random energetic baggage – Basically, energetic junk mail clogging up your system.
It’s a vast topic and I don’t wish to overwhelm you, but here’s all that matters:
You don’t need to know everything and you don’t need to fear the unseen. You just need to clear your fear of it.
4. At our core, we are pure-hearted souls.
We are not broken. We are not sinful. We are not doomed.
But life happens.
We pick these up along the way, like dirt sticking to us as we walk through life.
And then we wonder why we feel disconnected. Why we feel empty. Why love and happiness seem so far away.
Happiness is not something you achieve. And love isn’t something you find.
They are states of being. They are who we already are.
But why don’t we feel them all the time?
Because we are buried under layers of emotional baggage. A lifetime of unresolved pain. Thousands of tiny moments we never fully let go of.
Or the beliefs we pick up from a young age, absorbed from those around us, never questioning whether they are actually ours to carry, or just someone else’s fears passed down to us.
The longer we hold onto them, the thicker the wall between us and our true nature.
Rumi said it best:
"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it."
That’s exactly what deep energy clearing is about. Not chasing. Not fixing. Not even transferring cosmic energy into your body to patch yourself up.
It’s simply, just removing everything that isn’t you.
What’s Next?
In my next letter, I’ll share my perspective on a near-death experience that happened to me, what I saw, what I felt, and why it completely changed how I understand life and death, and more importantly, how I used this experience to help myself and others overcome fear.
For now, just know this:
There is so much more to this world than what meets the eye.
When you begin clearing what clouds your vision, you won’t just see more. You’ll finally understand.
Until next letter,
The self-healing methods shared in this letter are intended to support your emotional and energetic well-being. They are not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Results may vary, and it is important to consult a licensed healthcare or mental health professional if you are experiencing severe symptoms or distress.