Quick Update
I missed last week’s letter due to overambition. My energy for producing and creating is greater than what my body can currently handle.
So, I dedicated the entire week to focusing solely on the Reset Program and rejuvenating my body. It has been a wonderful experience, and I’d love to share two key takeaways I received from one of the beautiful souls in the Reset Program I’m currently running:

Clarity Compass is the first phase of this 4-week program, which I’m leading for the first time. It involves releasing everything we’ve been wanting to let go of, whether it’s something to transform, create, execute, or release.
I look forward to seeing how it unfolds for each and every one of us.
Healing Letter
19 Jan 2025
At the end of my last letter, I told you that I would share the next chapter of my story. This is the part where my health took a sudden and unexplained turn, leading me to seek different approaches to healing
It was a persistent, tight and penetrating sensation on the left side of my chest. It happened when I was pretty healthy and happy. And, no doctor could figure out what was wrong.
Have you ever gone through countless tests: bloodwork, MRIs, CT scans and only to be told everything was fine? That’s exactly what happened to me 14 years ago.
It wasn’t just the doctors who were stumped. I tried everything: TCM, herbal remedies, dietary changes, exercises, my grandmother’s recipes, traditional medicine, vitamins, supplements, rituals, affirmations, positive thinking, visualizations, EFT tapping, chia seeds, fasting, meditation, NLP techniques, chakra-cleansing, and self-healing practices.
Some of these helped. My physical energy improved, but over the years, my symptoms worsened. I began experiencing unbearable monthly episodes: full-body lethargy, intense chest pain, and relentless sinus attacks. At my lowest, I had thoughts of giving up. Fleeting waves of suicidal ideation crept in, even though I wasn’t in a state of grief.
That was when my partner at the time introduced me to an energy healing practitioner. She helped me uncover the totally unexpected root cause of the constant tightness in my chest and the accompanying symptoms.
It was ritualistic cursing, or what is popularly referred to as “black magic.”
Ok, let me pause for a moment.
If you view the world through a strictly scientific lens, you might find it difficult to accept. But this stuff is just another level of emotional energy. Ritualistic cursing is an ancient practice that channels dark, concentrated energy toward a target with the intent to cause harm.
It is not the stuff of fantasy movies or dramatic curses like those seen in anime. If you understand what a curse is, think of it as a deliberate, structured form of a curse.
It’s like when you indirectly curse someone (verbally or in your mind), you might secretly wish for their downfall, hope for retribution, or mentally project negativity toward them (don’t do this!). But when you do it directly, you actively plan and take steps to bring about their suffering (never, ever, ever think about it!).
The key difference is that in dark ritualistic cursing practices, dark entities are usually involved.
Back to the story, I went through the process of energetically releasing the energy in the therapy session. It was as easy as that. I did not have to go through rituals or recite any kind of mantras repeatedly for this to happen. (Mantras are not wrong either, but this is a topic for another time.) The process required a few sessions though, but I eventually got better.
There are a few key lessons I took away from this experience that I would like to share with you as they have shaped the way I approach healing and energy today:
1. Curses exist, but fear gives it power.
The key to preventing its effects is maintaining high energy. Instead of fighting against it, the real solution is to release and rise. Release the energy. Rise above it. Continue raising your energy.
This applies to everyday struggles too, like dealing with toxic people, difficult colleagues, or family members. Release how they affect you. Release the need to correct or change them. Rise by shifting your attention and working on your own energy: correct your flaws, and strengthen your mind, body, and spirit.
2. Positive thinking alone cannot clear deeply embedded energy.
If dark energy has already entered the body, surface-level positive thoughts and mental strength alone won’t remove it. Unless they vibrate at a much higher energy.
This is why ancient civilizations relied on shamans. “Shaman” is an ancient term for a healer. Remember the story I told you about how Dr. Somé helped Alex recover from Psychosis? These traditional healers worked in unique ways to gather high energy and help release dark entities from the body.
3. Openness and intention to heal are crucial.
In my last letter, I mentioned that my healing journey began when I questioned my religious practices.
I grew up in the strictest version of my faith. One of the biggest rules was to never seek healing outside the circle. If spiritual disturbances are suspected, the only acceptable solution was to consult a healer within our belief system. We were told that everything outside of our light was either demonic or at best, unprotected.
Had I never questioned these beliefs, I never would have explored different healing methods. I had to spend years reading books, diving deep into religion, spirituality, and philosophy just to connect the dots and put everything into perspective.
After experiencing energy healing therapy, I immersed myself in exploring how some therapies and healing works involved using and directing energy like biofeedback, chakra balancing, NLP, past-life regression, reiki, shamanic healing, and deep meditative practices. I had also read the works of Eckhart Tolle, Louise Hay, Bruce Lipton, Napoleon Hill, Dr. Joe Dispenza, and many others.
Some call this “New Age hippie nonsense,” but I didn’t care. My goal was never to follow a movement or attach myself to a belief system. I was simply looking for solutions that actually worked for me.
That’s the key: Search for what works for you.
4. The people around you shape your healing journey.
More than anything, this chapter of my life taught me the power of the people you surround yourself with.
Had I not been with a partner who was open-minded enough to explore these paths, who introduced me to the right people and resources, my story could have taken a very different turn.
If you want to watch your life deteriorate, keep surrounding yourself with the same people for years while avoiding your unresolved issues.
If you want to watch your life transform, surround yourself with people who inspire growth. But you will need to actively work on resolving your inner challenges and all that are blocking you from constantly growing.
That’s for today’s healing letter.
Until next week, when I share the next phase of my journey.
With love,
Shaya Ang
Healing Letters
The self-healing methods shared in this letter are intended to support your emotional and energetic well-being. They are not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Results may vary, and it is important to consult a licensed healthcare or mental health professional if you are experiencing severe symptoms or distress.