In last week’s letter, I promised to share my story: what led me to energy clearing and why it has become a near-daily part of my life for the past eight years.

Honestly, I don’t even know where to begin. If my life were a movie, the opening scene would probably be me fumbling through life, holding a handbook titled All the Wrong Ways to Adult.

And I wish I could tell you that I found a magical guru on a mountaintop, had one enlightening conversation, and everything fell into place. Wouldn’t that be nice? But that’s not what happened to me.

What I do now is simply the result of everything I’ve done for myself on my quest to be a better person, to find inner peace. The funny thing is, I didn’t even realise that was my quest. I thought I was just surviving life.

Getting here wasn’t straightforward or easy. Life didn’t exactly give me a checklist to follow. Instead, it threw challenges at me like they were “merits” I had to collect before I could move forward.

Here’s just a glimpse of what I mean:

  • I’ve been homeless.
  • I’ve endured bullying in school and abuse (physical, sexual, and emotional) at home.
  • I’ve faced spirit disturbances (and yes, it’s every bit as unsettling as it sounds).
  • I’ve lost two family members suddenly.
  • I’ve battled complex health problems that dragged on for years with no apparent solution.
  • And then, the ultimate low point: my relationships, finances, and health all collapsed at the same time.

That last one felt like life threw every problem into a blender, hit purée, and poured it straight over my head.

And yet, even after all of that, my healing didn’t start where you’d think. It didn’t begin with therapy or energy clearing. It started in the most unlikely of places.

The Turning Point

Funny enough, it began when I started rethinking the religious practices I grew up with.

Let me explain. I grew up in a strict religious household. My parents were respected clerics in our small community. But even as a child in the 80s and 90s, I noticed something didn’t add up.

We were teaching Scripture, earning applause, respect, and followers. But at home? It was chaos. Stress, anger, grief, anxiety, abuse, you name it. There was no real peace.

It was confusing, like trying to read a manual on how to achieve inner peace while the smoke alarm is blaring in the background.

So I started asking questions. If religion has all the answers, why aren’t we living in peace? Is it not true for us, or are we missing something?

That question stayed with me for over a decade. I didn’t have a plan, but I found myself diving deep into religion and spirituality. I needed to understand why our lives didn’t reflect the peace we were preaching.

Eventually, I found clarity. And when I did, the confusion, anger, and fear I had been carrying started to fade. It wasn’t easy or quick, but it was necessary. That clarity became the foundation for the next big shifts in my life.

The Academic Chapter

One of those shifts came during university, where I studied History and Civilizations. For the first time, I made friends from outside my country and culture. While we shared the same religion, their perspectives opened my eyes to how diverse beliefs could be, even within the same framework.

University also gave me access to old books and scholarly works. I devoured them, learning to ask better questions and look deeper.

But even with all that knowledge, I didn’t find the answers I was searching for. It was only the beginning.

What truly pushed me forward came later, when my health took a mysterious turn, and no doctor could figure out what was wrong.

That’s a story I’ll share in next week’s letter. For now, take some time to reflect on the key lessons from here.

What You Can Take Away:

🌟Healing doesn’t always start where you think it will. Sometimes, it begins in the most unexpected places that seem completely unrelated to your challenges.

For me, it wasn’t about finding the right healer, medicine, or therapy at first. It started with questions I didn’t even know I was allowed to ask.

🌟Healing begins with curiosity. The kind that makes you pause and think: What if everything I’ve been taught isn’t the whole story? What if there’s something more?

At the time, life’s chaos felt like punishment. But now I see it was preparation. Every struggle was uncovering layers of clarity.

If you’re facing something hard right now, here’s what you can do:

  1. Think about a challenge you’re facing. Instead of asking, How can I fix this?, try asking: What is this teaching me?
  2. Write down unresolved questions in your life. These are doorways to your exponential transformation.

Trust that healing doesn’t require all the answers today. Just stay curious and take it one step at a time.

🌟 Healing isn’t a straight line. It’s messy and unpredictable, but every twist has a purpose. If you stay open, you’ll find peace waiting for you on the other side.

🌟Healing is also not all about emotions or spirituality. Science backs it up too. Have you heard of neuroplasticity? It’s basically how our brain can rewire itself when we experience new things or start thinking differently.

So, when you stop seeing challenges as problems and start looking at them as lessons, you’re actually training your brain to work in your favour. Over time this helps you build clarity and resilience, and that’s what leads to real, lasting inner peace.

Next week, I’ll share the next chapter of my story, the part where my health took a sudden, unexplained turn, and I was forced to explore healing in ways I never imagined.

For now, reflect on your own questions and trust that clarity will come.

With love,

Shaya Ang
Healing Letters


The self-healing methods shared in this letter are intended to support your emotional and energetic well-being. They are not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Results may vary, and it is important to consult a licensed healthcare or mental health professional if you are experiencing severe symptoms or distress.