Happy New Year! I hope 2025 has started off on a bright and hopeful note for you. If not, there’s plenty of time to turn it around.
This week’s letter is a little late, and I wanted to explain why.
Over the past week, I’ve been buried in work (the good kind), designing an intensive one-on-one program for my clients.
This entire month, I’ll be helping them clear out deep blockages and align their energy with the goals they’ve set for the next phase of their lives. It will be like an energetic spring cleaning, but without the dust.
In last week’s letter about how to choose the right healing modality, I promised to share how I developed my approach to not only help people heal but also elevate their energy levels.
I realised, though, that to explain it properly, I’ll need to share more about my own story. So, hang tight, I’ll dive into that in my next letter.
For now, I simply want to wish you a Happy New Year. May it be full of clarity, breakthroughs, and just enough surprises to keep things interesting.
You know how every New Year people start making resolutions - eat healthier, work harder, get more done? Honestly, I’ve never really stuck with them. They always felt a bit hollow, like they didn’t quite connect with what I really wanted or who I actually am.
So a few years ago, I stopped doing that.
Instead, I started focusing on something deeper: aligning with my higher self and working on real transformation that lasts. It’s made all the difference. And this is what I’m going to be busy helping my clients with this entire month. I’ll do my best to keep in touch with you through my healing letters.
As a small gift, I want to share a simple step that has worked wonders for me. Every week, set aside time to answer these three simple questions to reflect on your week:
- What went well?
- What didn’t go well?
- What’s my plan for the week ahead?
This little practice has become a family tradition for us. We gather, sit together, and reflect. It's like a life review session with snacks.
I hope this helps you kick off 2025 with purpose and maybe even a little extra sparkle.
Remember, transformation begins the moment you decide to take a step. It doesn’t happen overnight. If it did, we would all have it figured out by now. :-)
Until the next letter,
Shaya Ang
Healing Letters
The self-healing methods shared in this letter are intended to support your emotional and energetic well-being. They are not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Results may vary, and it is important to consult a licensed healthcare or mental health professional if you are experiencing severe symptoms or distress.