A question I hear again and again from my clients is:

“How do I explain this energy clearing to my family?” 

They’ve experienced the transformative power of energy clearing and want to share it with their loved ones, but they hesitate.

They’re afraid of being judged as foolish or being labeled as someone who believes in “nonsense.”

And I completely understand. 

Finding the right words to explain this work feels like trying to explain colours to someone who has only ever seen black and white.

It’s not easy to bridge the gap between what I know in my heart and what people understand in their minds.

When I say “energy healing,” people assume I’m doing Reiki or they picture spiritual hippies or paranormal phenomena.

They bring preconceived notions that feel worlds away from the grounded, practical, and deeply human work I do.

But avoiding these conversations doesn’t help. 

Writing this today is one of my first steps toward helping you see energy in a way that makes sense.

So that you can feel more confident exploring it for yourself and even explaining it to others.

What is Energy?

If there’s one word that seems to spark endless debate between healers and scientists, it’s energy

Let me explain.

Science talks about energy like this:

  • Kinetic Energy: Motion, like a fast-moving train on a metro system (in Singapore, we call it the MRT).
  • Thermal Energy: Heat from your freshly brewed coffee.
  • Chemical Energy: The fuel your body gets from food.

It is precise and measurable, and it makes total sense in physics.

But the energy I am talking about is different.

When I talk about energy, I don’t mean things like calories in your char kway teow or the kinetic energy that makes your car move. 

Some traditions call it Qi or Prana. It is the life force that connects your body, mind, and emotions.

You feel it when:

  • Stress tightens your chest or makes your stomach churn.
  • A good laugh leaves you feeling lighter.
  • Someone’s presence either lifts your mood or drains it.

That is Subtle Energy. It cannot be measured, but you know it is there.

What healing traditions call Qi or Prana, science doesn’t define them as energy in the same way. 

Instead, science looks at things like the energy fields around the body (biofield) or the small electric signals our cells give off (electromagnetic fields).

We don’t have to pick sides.

Science helps us understand the physical world. Subtle Energy teaches us to trust what we feel, even when we cannot see it.

When you work with both, you open the door to a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you.

Char Kway Teow is a classic Singaporean dish of stir-fried flat rice noodles with prawns, sausage, and bean sprouts. Cooked over high heat, it’s all about the smoky 'wok hei' flavor!

From Force to Flow: The Energy of Childbirth

Let me demonstrate further by sharing something personal with you:

My two very different childbirth experiences.

Baby #1: The Physical Energy

  • Pushed, strained, and used every ounce of physical strength I had.
  • Muscles working overtime, feeling like I was climbing a never-ending hill.
  • Relied on pain management, but still felt completely wiped out.
  • Screamed my way through contractions (probably scared a few nurses).

Baby #2: The Subtle Energy Approach

  • Focused on breathing, using my breath to guide my body instead of forcing it.
  • Used hypnobirthing techniques and visualization to stay calm and centered.
  • Reframed pain as a sensation, something to work with rather than fight.
  • Trusted my body’s natural process - only breathing, no screaming.
  • Managed to crack a joke between contractions and made the doctor and nurses laugh.

The Result Felt Completely Different

With the first, I was completely drained. I felt like I had been through a battle and recovery took much longer than expected. 

With the second, it was a whole other story.

There was no groaning through the pain, no fighting, no chaos. I wasn’t that woman in the movies screaming bloody murder while gripping the hospital bed rails like I was about to tear them off. No one was yelling, “Push! Push!” like I was in the final minutes of a championship game. There were no tears, no drama, and no “I can’t do this anymore” moment.

The entire birthing process took only 20 minutes. I still had a lot of energy to spare and I recovered really fast.

Power vs Force

What shifted for me was exactly what Dr. David Hawkins describes in his book Power vs. Force. 

When we rely only on physical energy on pushing, straining, and forcing, we exhaust ourselves.

That’s force. Force is all effort and resistance. It tries to control and overpower.

Power, on the other hand, flows.

It aligns with what’s already there. It works with the energy instead of against it. It’s about stability, trust, and presence.

This is the kind of energy you see in martial arts like Tai Chi.

The movements are calm, deliberate, and flowing, but incredibly powerful. It’s not about muscling your way through but about channeling energy in the right way.

In childbirth, in life, and even in martial arts, the difference is clear. Force depletes you. Power sustains you. Force is exhausting. Power is transformative.

When we stop pushing and start flowing, everything changes. Even the most intense moments can feel lighter and empowering.

And that’s the gift of understanding energy. It’s always there. It’s always available. You just need to learn how to align with it.

Science Supporting the Unseen

Have you ever met someone, and within seconds, you could feel the weight of their mood or their energy lighting you up without them saying a word?

That’s subtle energy in action.

Science has been curious about this too and has spent decades trying to understand and measure these unseen forces.

Let me share a few fascinating examples:

1. Biophoton Research

Did you know your cells emit light? Not like a flashlight or glowstick, but in ultra-weak, subtle flashes called biophotons. 

Scientists have been studying this since the 1920s, and they believe these tiny sparks of light might be how your cells communicate like your body’s own version of WhatsApp, but much quieter. 

It’s incredible to think that even on a cellular level, we’re full of light.

2. The Biofield

Imagine an invisible energy field surrounding your body, quietly keeping everything in check.

That’s the biofield. It acts like your body’s energetic organiser, and science has been studying it more closely since the 1990s. 

Tools like bioelectromagnetic sensors and biophoton imaging are now being used to measure it. It’s as if science looked closer and said, “Hmm, there’s a lot more going on here than we thought.”

3. Aura Imaging Technologies

Then there are aura cameras. Yes, I know they’re controversial, but these devices attempt to translate subtle energy fields into visible, colourful images. 

The interesting part is these images often correlate with how someone is feeling physically or emotionally. So Science’s saying, “Okay, we don’t fully understand this yet, but we can’t ignore it either.”

How to Start Sensing Energy in Your Own Life

You don’t need fancy tools or a lab coat to start working with energy. It’s already part of your everyday experience, whether you realise it or not. 

Let me show you a few simple ways to tune in.

1. Tune into emotional energy:

Start by paying attention to how your emotions show up in your body. Stress might tighten your shoulders, while joy feels like a warm, light sensation in your chest. These feelings are energy in motion. Literally e-motion.

2. Notice the energy around you:

When you sense someone’s vibe, the energy of a place, or even other people’s emotions, pay attention to which part of your body is feeling it. 

I have clients telling me they feel it through their chest, their skin, their head, or even their eyes.

Some say they sense it through smells or even by seeing lights.

Start noticing where and how you feel these shifts. It’s your body’s way of picking up on subtle energy.

3. Try this energy experiment:

Hold your hands a few inches apart with your palms facing each other. Relax and focus. 

Do you feel a gentle warmth, a tingling, or maybe a soft pull between them? That’s your energy field. 

Uncovering Your Unique Energy

Beyond the subtle energy you feel around you, did you know you have your own “superpower”?

I don’t mean flying or invisibility. I mean your own unique subtle energy. Yes, you have it. Everyone does.

Even if you think you’re not sensitive or can’t feel energy at all, trust me, it’s there.

For some people, this power comes from their emotions or mental clarity.

For others, it shows up in specific parts of the body: the heart, the gut, even the hands. 

It might be tied to their chakras or something deeper in their energy field. 

In my sessions, I help my clients uncover this energy and figure out how to make use of their gift.

Some want clarity on their career or relationships. Others just want to stop feeling stuck.

Subtle energy opens doors to clarity and growth. It’s fascinating because it’s not just about healing. It’s about uncovering what’s already within you and stepping into a better, more aligned version of yourself.

What I love most is seeing the changes that happen after. I’ve seen people move from fear to confidence, from stuck to thriving, and even from chronic illness to vibrant health.

A Call for Open-Mindedness

You know, science and energy healing might seem like they are speaking two completely different languages, but they are not enemies.

Subtle energy isn’t magic or imaginary. It’s as real as the air you breathe, even if you can’t see it.

Across cultures, timelines, and traditions, people have worked with this energy to heal. Some have even used it to shift things that doctors could not explain.

Einstein is often quoted as saying, “Everything is energy, and that’s all there is to it,” but whether or not he actually said it, the idea itself speaks to something profound:

Energy, in all its forms, is at the foundation of life.

Whether we’re looking at energy through the lens of physics or ancient wisdom, it’s clear: energy is everywhere, and it has the power to transform.

So, the next time someone brushes it off as "just vibes," smile and remember: it’s the energy that connects us, heals us, and reminds us of what’s possible.   


Until next time,

Shaya Ang
Healing Letters


The self-healing methods shared in this letter are intended to support your emotional and energetic well-being. They are not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Results may vary, and it is important to consult a licensed healthcare or mental health professional if you are experiencing severe symptoms or distress.